140551 Zip
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According to the Codification Scheme of the Political Administrative Division of the Country the parish Copal has the code 140551 (ATTENTION: it is not your postal code).- The first two codes from the left are assigned to the province code (for the province of Morona-Santiago is 14).- Code 01 is not the case is assigned to the canton (Santiago), whose main city is also provincial capital.- Within each canton are codified the urban parishes in alphabetical order from 01 to 49, assigning the 50 to the cantonal head.- The rural parishes are ordered alphabetically and assigned the respective code from 51 to 99 (not a rural parish).
HSR #140551 was assigned to the 52A DUNDAS LOCAL route, where it remained for its service life. This little bus used to drive me crazy, as I would occasionally see it passing by McMaster after it had gone out of service. But because this bus was so small, it would zip by me before I could get a photo, I started to think of this bus as the Roadrunner. (Beep, beep!). HSR #140551 was retired in the fall of 2002 when the Ford E450s arrived. 59ce067264